The terrible mother dominates the battle of wills with the child, which affect their political outlook and orientation. The self-loathing person tends to favour political systems like socialism, communism and destructive paradigms acceptable to neurotic types, desperate to avoid individualisation by sacrificing themselves. They use politics as a political distraction with a feminine mystique.
“They don’t have to face historical evil, an evil that never leads to a positive end, but they participate in its implementation.”
Where the need for control exists, there is no real power, only deep impotence and inferiority, a subtle and indistinct evil, attractive with the allure of innocence. Wrapped up in guilt and shame inflicted by their mothers, manifest as forgiveness of horrific punitive acts, redeeming and soothing evil consciences, with evil perpetuated and becoming the norm. A malignant reality overwhelms a child’s mind; they remain static and fixated, unable to face change and challenges, offset with the indulgence of the pleasure principle, infantilised and preferences for archaic behaviour and perceptions.
The primitive narcissistic level of development irrationally craves safety, dependence and passivity, living in a lunar dimension and escaping the masculine solar world. In a world where the terrible woman is the custodian of morality, society will develop along destructive lines, dominated and directed by morally deviant men. The impaired mother uses the father’s power and fear to intimidate the child into accepting her narcissistic needs, turning the image of masculinity into malignant patriarchy as the only available mechanism to escape the devouring terrible mother.
The child develops into an armoured, repressed, unempathetic individual identified and engrossed with the malignancy to escape or identify with the Medusa power of the mother. The power resides in infantile sexuality, seeking the pleasure principle via autoerotic pursuits such as masturbation and voyeurism. The ensuing feelings of rage, revenge and self-contempt poison the child’s mind and emotions, becoming disciples of power rather than love, relatedness and empathy.
The collective unconscious, the crowd, is feminine, wanting to be led by any demagogue or authority figure who promises utopia, peace, equality and plenty, reunion with the surrogate womb without having to suffer the pain and loss of separation. They can then act out their unconscious urges and desires without any consequences, with a poisoned and punitive superego and neurotic tendencies and behaviours. The Adult/child lives a life without purpose and meaning, unfulfilled m frustrated and resentful. Reality becomes overwhelming, happy to regress and become attracted to the crowd, incorporating the mass mind and away from the despair of their inner world. Masculinity becomes a great threat and comes under threat, with an antipathy to wisdom with no chance of psychological growth. The crowd absolves the person from personal responsibility with pseudo-empathy. Self-hate grows with more dependence on the crowd and becomes bestial and predatory, feeding the hearts and minds impervious to realm and logic.
A terrible mother has undermined your Self-hood, and emotional intelligence, identified with the tyrant mother. You need to integrate your shadow to raise self-esteem and self-love with heightened self-awareness.
“They are above criticism, hypersensitive to shows of aggression from rivals, acting out for the enforcement of authority, increasing their inner rage and self-hatred.”
The Electra complex
The power struggle between the mother and daughter is bound to embody authentic femininity or accept a false act, where the psyche develops to the mother’s and society’s expectations. The terrible mother despises weakness and demands conformity, with the child seeking continued union with the mother, with an underlying resentment manifesting as phobias, illness and disorders of the self. The memories of hurt, shame and impotence are recorded in the right brain, and the body bears the burden of the regression. The daughter becomes sexually frigid with an infantile Pollyanna complex, dominated by sexual inhibition with forbidden sexual expression and freedom. They can torment themselves unconsciously by conceiving unwanted babies, marrying emotionally unavailable husbands or engaging in serial non-fulfilling relationships. They act out their rage in materialism or absurd left-wing politics like feminism or LGBT rights, with irrational anti-male rhetoric. The source of envy must be blamed and destroyed for not pleasing or rescuing them, triggering their inner void and emptiness. The crowd amplifies the inner bitterness, rage and infantile rhetoric as they merge back into the ouroboric sleep; with lessened responsibility and awareness, they can continue to avoid the crimes they commit against themselves and others.
The culture creates a world of safe spaces, grandiose self-entitlement with magical child thinking, empowering the need for a global village and enforced political correctness. Women must reject this radical feminism, accept and acknowledge their behaviour, cease virtue signalling and pursue more moral pursuits and endeavours. Manic hyperactivity helps one hide in the lights and glamour, falling to the will of their oppressor. With their parents and society’s uniqueness desired and approved, the expertly constructed false mask suppressed the enforced hostility and insincerity into fighting for social justice and the political false arena. The intense activity covers the feelings of shame and self-loathing, as they are virtuous and add value to the greater good. The displaced rage may manifest as archaic feminism, idolising the oppressor with no fear of rejection or abandonment. They must re-experience their body and repressed thoughts to revitalise the libido, to contain and face the humiliation, shame and confusion felt by the terrible mother. Allowing new energy to flow into the discarded aspects of the psyche and body, finally conquering the terrible mother and separating into the individuated world.