The Scapegoat Complex

Originally the scapegoat was a human/animal victim chosen for sacrifice to the underworld to appropriate God`s anger and to heal the community...

Character Analysis

Very few clients can accurately analyse at the onset of therapy, as the threat of ego fragmentation makes analysis hard. The neurotic...

On the Border

The structure of the borderline is split, with one part unconscious and one part conscious. Induced guilt and bodily tension and breathing...

Empath and Recovery

Reduce the need to please Two motivations primarily based on fear Fear of being...

Personality Adaptations

Enthusiastic overreactor (Histrionic)   The histrionic personality adaptation has primary Adult contamination by...

The Tough kid

One`s mother is psychologically and psychically unavailable; the child is left feeling unwanted and unloved and a belief they are unlovable. They...


The homosexual man is attracted to men of power and strength (physique), the unconscious desire to enslave young men and make...

The Basic Lie

Basic lie The child rejects true love as they believe they are self-defective due to parental rejection and...

Analysis of Self (Part 2)

The Child sees others with narcissistic mental energy and experiences them narcissistically as self-objects. I am perfect, you are perfect, but I...

Slings and Arrows  

The disappointment in object love led to the withdrawal of interest (libido)from the world and reinvested into the self and self-esteem; normal...