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Mental Health

Psychic Equilibrium

Neurotics seem to be under a continuous pressure of compulsion, which overrides the pleasure principle. Recurrence relates to the active behaviour of...

Psychic Retreats

A retreat provides a patient with relative peace and protection from stress when any meaningful contact with an analyst is experienced as...

Seeing and Being Seen

The analysis aims not to remove defences solely but to understand them and gradually help the patient recognise new possibilities and potentials....

Cult Ideology

People involved in mobs have an immediate sense of intimacy with one another derived from projecting their ego ideal onto the leader...

Object Relations Theory

Many clients present good impulse control in all areas but one, a counterpart of the psyche, with severe pathology and constant switching....

Benign Aggression

Narcissism is a state and experience in which the person, their body, needs, feelings, and thoughts only pertain to them and are...

Love Relations – Part 2

The integration of sexual excitement and erotic desires occurs before the subject has the capacity to integrate object relations. The child splits...

Spiritual Bypassing

The main reason for bypassing is due to a lack of tolerance, personally or collectively, for facing or entering and working through...

Meta Dynamics

Intimacy requires equal risk-taking and authenticity, where the client and therapist find their way through what is occurring in the here and...

Foundation of the Self

To understand what is happening in the world today, one must try and get into the objective concrete. The narcissist's rigid mind...