Belief and Imagination
Belief rests as a possibility, not a certainty, yet it produces an emotional state that goes with certainty, as one can't rid...
Belief and Imagination
Belief rests as a possibility, not a certainty, yet it produces an emotional state that goes with certainty, as one can't rid...
Being Seen : Emerging from Psychic Retreats
An essential aspect of narcissism is being seen as the centre of attention. Self-consciousness can become acute and anxious when a child...
Belief and Imagination
Belief rests as a possibility, not a certainty, yet it produces an emotional state that goes with certainty, as one can't rid...

Being Seen : Emerging from Psychic Retreats
An essential aspect of narcissism is being seen as the centre of attention. Self-consciousness can become acute and anxious when a child...
Imposter Syndrome
Identity is an all-encompassing sense of self, not fixed, handed down and developed unconsciously. Something shaped and determined, reflected in passion and...
Fantasy Bond
The bond replaces emotional suffering, pain, abandonment and anxiety with a destructive self-limiting role and experience. Keeps one insulated, mechanical and detached...
Belief and Imagination
Belief rests as a possibility, not a certainty, yet it produces an emotional state that goes with certainty, as one can't rid...
Being Seen : Emerging from Psychic Retreats
An essential aspect of narcissism is being seen as the centre of attention. Self-consciousness can become acute and anxious when a child...
Imposter Syndrome
Identity is an all-encompassing sense of self, not fixed, handed down and developed unconsciously. Something shaped and determined, reflected in passion and...
Fantasy Bond
The bond replaces emotional suffering, pain, abandonment and anxiety with a destructive self-limiting role and experience. Keeps one insulated, mechanical and detached...
Into the Darkest places
People suffering from borderline states have experienced profound early relational trauma with primary caretakers /parents. They are continuously at odds with a...
Going Mad to Stay Sane
The pain, despair and self-destructiveness are as loud a statement as possible to make and acknowledge the soul is under attack and...
Narcissism to Individuation
The task of the self comes from the depth of the unconscious need to renounce any identification with the collective role and...
Delicious Abundance
Some parents have a vice-like grasp and hold of their children and force them into a pre-moulded image to fulfil their narcissist...
Codependency and why We rescue
In this episode, Susan Guner and Kevin Martin explore the social perceptions of co-dependency and the need to rescue others from their...
10 signs of a codependent relationship
A codependent relationship usually starts with an exciting, thrilling love bombing phase, where one partner (rescuer) feels idealised and loved, finally finding...