Spiritual Awakening and Illusions
A spiritual awakening reveals many illusions, false beliefs and conditioning regarding our feeling of independence and uniqueness.
We have a multitude of choices and free...
Restoration of the Self
Early on, the parents will supportively mirror the strivings of the child’s grandiose self and not threaten their idealization as parents, which...
Separation Anxiety
During the symbiotic phase, the child has a cognitive experience of “oneness”, where the mother gratifies the child's needs, unaware of the...
Character Analysis
Very few clients can accurately analyse at the onset of therapy, as the threat of ego fragmentation makes analysis hard. The neurotic...
Belief and Imagination
Belief rests as a possibility, not a certainty, yet it produces an emotional state that goes with certainty, as one can't rid...
Being Seen : Emerging from Psychic Retreats
An essential aspect of narcissism is being seen as the centre of attention. Self-consciousness can become acute and anxious when a child...
Narcissism to Individuation
The task of the self comes from the depth of the unconscious need to renounce any identification with the collective role and...
Latest Blogs
I hate you, don’t leave me
Differentiation phase (5-8 months) Social smiling begins and ends with stranger anxiety when presented with an unfamiliar in environment. This is...
Culture of Narcissism
The inverted narc projects onto the actual narcissist through the very primitive projective identification ego defence. An innate primal fear of disintegration...
Ego Defences
The defences are there to protect the ego persona against undue stress and ward off pressure and anxiety.
Neurosis and Human Growth
Through adverse parental and environmental influences, a child may not be permitted to grow according to their instinctual needs and potential. A...
15 Narcissistic Traits
Healthy narcissism is an essential aspect of mature self-esteem, where one can express authentic feelings, be assertive and impact others without...
Mask or No Mask
I wanted to expand on my thoughts regarding the present circumstances we have been forced to endure, comprehend, and process. For somebody...
Fire in the Stone
The tension of opposites animates the individuation process, where the ego is no longer the centre of the personality. The person can...
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